Friday, August 12, 2016

States visited so far

We've been in the road a little over 4 years ... this is our 5th summer.  These are the states we've at least stayed overnight in, so far.

We've driven through the rest, except Alaska, Hawaii, and Delaware.  Going to Alaska in a couple of weeks, but without the RV :(

Helpful signs

Except for ducks.

Wouldn't you like to have owned the stock of the company that makes these?

Couldn't they all be replaced by one question on the driver's test?  And if you get that one wrong, no license for you!

Someone must have learned from hard experience.

Nice water ... good water ... what pretty water.

At a rest stop in Nebraska.  Penny might be able to get her degree now.

Best public golf courses

I'm trying to play the best course "you can play", according to Golf Magazine, in each state.  Progress so far: